“Their flexible and professional approach to Lingueo one-to-one lessons really made a difference for me!”


Achieve a sufficient level of English to communicate effectively with international contacts, while overcoming fears or doubts related to the use of the language.


Thanks to his Lingueo training, Clément has improved his English level from A2 to B2, which now allows him to express himself more fluently and more confidentially in his oral and written exchanges.

Level reached
Training hours
Attendance rate
Satisfaction score

Interview de :

Customer Success Manager
Hello Clément, thank you for agreeing to this interview with us today. How are you?

Hello, I am very well, thank you. I am very happy to be here to discuss my English education with Lingueo.

It is perfect. So can you tell us how you heard about Lingueo and why did you decide to take an English course with us?

I heard about Lingueo from a friend who had studied Spanish with them and was very happy with the results. I decided to take an English course with them because I wanted to improve my English level for work.

And what did you like the most about learning English with Lingueo?

What I appreciated the most about my English training with Lingueo was the flexibility of the courses. I was able to take my online courses whenever I wanted, which was very convenient for me. In addition, the teachers were really very professional and competent, which allowed me to progress quickly.

And what results did you get as a result of your English training with Lingueo?

Thanks to this training, I was able to improve my English level considerably: from A2 to B2. I now have more confidence in speaking English in a professional situation, and I am able to understand and participate in meetings in English without difficulty.

Congratulations! Last question, would you recommend Lingueo to others for an English course?

Absolutely! I would definitely recommend Lingueo to anyone who wants to improve their English level. Their flexible and professional approach has really made a difference for me, and I am confident that it could help a lot of others as well.

Les enseignements tirés de cette mission, côté Lingueo

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