Legal information

Legal information















On this page you will find the legal notices of the site, which were updated on June 14, 2023 in accordance with the regulations in force.

The site (hereinafter the” Site ”) is published by LINGUEO, a simplified joint stock company, with a capital of €79,672.00, whose registered office is located at 29 bis, rue Monge in Paris (75005), registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 501 604 110, whose intra-community VAT number is FR 29501604110 — Tel.:, E-mail:

The director of the publication of the Site is Mr. Guillaume LE DIEU DE VILLE, manager of the company SUPACAST (RCS Paris No. 904 491 651), president of LINGUEO.
The Site is hosted by the company OVH, whose head office is located at 2, rue Kellermann in Roubaix (59100) — Tel.:

General conditions of sale

Article I — Definitions and Interpretations

Training Services : The training services offered by Lingueo include a range of individual foreign language courses, tailored to meet the specific needs of clients, whether individuals or businesses. These services are designed to promote better mastery of foreign languages, taking into account the different levels and personal or professional goals of learners.

Customer : The term “Customer” is used to refer to any individual or corporate entity that engages Lingueo to benefit from its language training services. This designation includes both individual customers who register as individuals and businesses that want to improve the language skills of their employees.

Article II — Lingueo's commitment

Certified quality : Lingueo guarantees the superior quality of its courses, a promise supported by its OPQF and QUALIOPI certifications. Each training is orchestrated by highly qualified trainers who meet the highest standards in the industry. Lingueo is committed to maintaining and continuously improving the quality of its services through regular updating of its educational resources, in order to ensure an optimal learning experience.

Responsiveness and Support : Recognizing the importance of fluid and responsive communication, Lingueo makes a point of being available to answer customer questions and needs within a period of no more than 24 hours. Lingueo is also committed to providing continuous support throughout the learning journey, making it easy to monitor progress and quickly resolve any issues that may arise.

Article III — Customer commitments

Optimal preparation : The CLIENT is encouraged, although not necessarily, to acquire all the equipment and prerequisites necessary to make the most of the training offered by Lingueo. This includes ensuring a stable internet connection and having access to the necessary technological tools.

Responsible management of the training agenda : No strict attendance requirements are imposed on the CLIENT. However, to allow pedagogical continuity favorable to learning, it is advisable to be assiduous. Lingueo recalls that any session that is not cancelled at least 24 hours before its start will be considered completed and will not be subject to rescheduling or reimbursement.

Article IV — Financial arrangements

Rate schedule : The rates applied for training courses are established and fixed in a transparent manner. These are communicated to the CLIENT prior to the start of the training, thus guaranteeing total clarity on the financial aspects of the service.

Payment options : Lingueo offers flexible payment terms to accommodate the needs of CUSTOMERS. The payment of training fees can be made either by bank transfer, thus offering optimal traceability and security, or via the “My Training Account” service, facilitating access to training as part of the CLIENT's CPF system, and guaranteeing advantageous financial support.

Article V - Cancellation, Postponement and Non-Refund

5.1 Non-cancellation

Once the training is confirmed and payments have been made, Lingueo will not accept any cancellation request from the CLIENT.

5.2 Report

The CLIENT may postpone a session to a later date in exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of Lingueo. This deferral is subject to the availability of trainers and must be carried out within a reasonable framework established by Lingueo.

5.3 Non-refund

Lingueo does not offer refunds for confirmed sessions, regardless of whether the CLIENT is attending the session or not. In case of non-participation, the session will be considered delivered and the CUSTOMER will not be entitled to a refund.

Article VI — Measures Taken in the Event of Cancellation or Postponement by Lingueo

6.1 Alternative courses

In the event of cancellation of a training session by Lingueo, registered learners will be offered several alternatives: participate in a similar session, postpone their registration to a later session or request reimbursement of training fees.

6.2 Refund procedures

In the situation where a refund is requested, the CUSTOMER must follow a specific procedure involving the submission of a form accompanied by bank proof attesting to the accuracy of the account references for the refund.

Please note that these articles have been expanded to provide additional details and to clarify procedures in the event of a cancellation or rescheduling.

Article IX - Intellectual property

9.1 Copyright

All materials and content provided during the training, including but not limited to, written materials, graphics, logos, audio and video recordings are the exclusive property of Lingueo and are protected by copyright and intellectual property laws.

9.2 Restrictive use

CUSTOMERS and trainees undertake to use the educational content only for their personal use and not to distribute, reproduce, or use them for commercial or educational purposes without the express agreement of Lingueo. This is aimed at maintaining the integrity and quality of training courses, and at maintaining Lingueo's rights.

Article X - Dispute resolution

10.1 Mediation

In the event of disagreement or dispute between the CLIENT and Lingueo, the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution before any legal procedure. This may include mediation, a collaborative approach, or any other means of alternative conflict resolution.

10.2 Competent jurisdiction

If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, they agree that the dispute will be submitted to the competent jurisdiction at the place where Lingueo is headquartered, thus guaranteeing a fair and balanced procedure for both parties.

In enriching these articles, I have focused on the protection of Lingueo's training materials and I have added stipulations regarding alternative dispute resolution methods to facilitate peaceful dispute resolution.