Formation Italian en visioconférence

In addition to private lessons, all of our Italian language packages include unlimited access to 43 Skill Sheets And 1075 Hours of Exercise. At the end of the training your skills are certified by LILATE.

Formation Italian en visioconférence

In addition to private lessons, all of our Italian language packages include unlimited access to 43 Skill Sheets And 1075 Hours of Exercise. At the end of the training your skills are certified by LILATE.


10H de cours particuliers



Validité : 3 mois


20H de cours particuliers

1 100€

1 200€ TTC

Validité : 6 mois


30H de cours particuliers

1 500€

1 800€ TTC

Validité : 12 mois

Private lessons with a teacher teaching his native language
Slots available from Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
LILATE certification training

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Pour payez votre formation avec votre CPF,
Contactez nos conseillers, ou appelez-nous au 01 84 80 43 10

Pourquoi nos formations sont efficaces

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual form of a typeface.

La visioconférence
simplifie la formation
Le meilleur formateur
pour vos besoins
Des résultats impactants
et gratifiants
Finançable avec le Compte Personnel
de Formation

Les meilleurs professeurs sont sur Lingueo

Très à l'écoute, ses cours sont efficaces et très motivants.
Professeur d’Espagnol
Enseigne depuis 10 ans

Vanessa enseigne depuis 2015 sur Lingueo. Grammaire, vocabulaire, oral, elle attache une grande importance à la maîtrise des fondamentaux d'une langue.

Moyenne prise sur 3000 élèves
Professeur d’Espagnol
Enseigne depuis 10 ans

Vanessa enseigne depuis 2015 sur Lingueo. Grammaire, vocabulaire, oral, elle attache une grande importance à la maîtrise des fondamentaux d'une langue.

Très à l'écoute, ses cours sont efficaces et très motivants.

Moyenne prise sur 3000 élèves
His courses are adapted to the pace and needs of the student.
Italian teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Valerio, an Italian lawyer who became an Italian trainer in France in 2017, resolutely transmits his mother tongue and Italian culture. An expert in adapting to the needs of adults, he offers comprehensive and enriching learning.

Average on 88 students
She values the progress of her students and shares the richness of cultures.
Italian teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Morena, Italian from Fermo, has been teaching her native language since 2018. Passionate about languages and travel, she shares the beauty of cultures with her students, values their progress and encourages self-confidence during learning.

Average on 88 students
She is appreciated by her students for her ability to listen and her patience.
Italian teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Sara has been an Italian teacher since 2015, originally from Sanremo. She creates a positive and encouraging atmosphere in her classes, and is also fluent in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Average on 93 students
Its courses are interactive, varied and attractive.
Italian teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Francesca, a passionate and multilingual teacher since 1996, offers interactive, varied and attractive courses. She adapts to the needs of each student with patience, good humor and motivation, thanks to her mastery of Italian, French, Spanish and English.

Average on 49 students
Its highly interactive pedagogy encourages speaking.
Italian teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Angelo, an Italian teacher from Sicily since 2014, offers private lessons adapted to the needs and pace of each student. He uses French, Spanish, and English to share Italian culture.

Average out of 245 students

Des professeurs Italian triés sur le volet

C’est en grande partie la qualité des enseignants qui permet la réussite de l’apprentissage. C’est pourquoi Lingueo veille depuis 2007 à sélectionner les meilleurs professeurs à travers le monde entier.
Seuls 15% des candidats enseignants sont acceptés dans l’équipe professorale de Lingueo, sur des critères essentiels pour un cours motivant et de qualité :

Diplômé·e dans l'enseignement de sa langue
5 ans d'expérience minimum
Un don pour la communication
Une passion et une motivation communicatives
Sabina is Italian, graduated in educational sciences from the Catholic University of Milan. In Italy, she taught literature and socio-psycho-pedagogical subjects and was a tutor for university students. Available and flexible, she takes into account everyone's personal and communicative needs, and uses a rigorous grammar method. She varies the media used for her courses: audiovisual systems, newspapers, YouTube and books, to open and stimulate the curiosity of each student.
Antonio is Italian but also speaks French. An educator and trainer at a middle school in France, he teaches his native language to adolescents as well as to adults separately in companies. This Italian trainer offers courses at all levels and adapts to the requirements and needs of students with a personalized program, desires and goals to be achieved. It is based on an interactive pedagogy that encourages speaking and oral communication, and on the European framework for language skills.
Of Italian nationality, Francesca was born in Milan and graduated from the Catholic University of Milan. She has been working with foreign languages since 1996, in fact, in addition to Italian, Francesca also speaks French, Spanish and English. She teaches with passion and she always adapts to the levels and demands of each student. Its courses are interactive, varied and attractive. Patience and good humor always accompany his classes. She is always attentive and motivating.

50 000 élèves satisfaits

Formation Anglais des affaires

“Cours très riche et varié, avec une pratique de l’expression, de la compréhension et du vocabulaire. Très agréable à suivre, nous abordons des thèmes vivants comme l’actualité ou le business.”

Portrait de Cécile

Cécile V.

Médecin, formation Anglais des affaires
Italian: Intermediate Level

My one hour and a half class in Italian with Marianna was very satisfying. We discussed a very interesting text and at the same time identified grammatical difficulties, while acquiring new vocabulary. This is perfect for me and allows me to improve my speaking skills, which is my goal. Thanks Marianna and Lingueo.

Stéphanie P.

Italian: Intermediate Level

This first approach to the Italian language helped me to improve, I am satisfied. Elisa, the teacher with whom I take classes, makes the training fun and enjoyable. I feel that I am making good progress with the Lingueo system.

Thomas B.

Civil engineer
Italian: Intermediate Level

I feel like I have made good progress. I am able to hold a conversation during roleplays. I am thrilled.

Pierre D.

Airline pilot
Italian : Advanced Level

I am very happy with the teacher, he corrects me every time I make mistakes. It helps me improve my vocabulary. I really feel that I can make progress thanks to the Lingueo course.

Norbert T.

Ad writer
Italian : E-Business sector

I am delighted with this first course. The teacher understood what I needed: to be more precise in terms and formulations in terms of business and human resources. Lingueo helps me reach my goals and makes me progress thanks to its great motivation.

Jean I.

Travel agent
Italian : Management Sector

Very professional teacher who makes us feel at ease. She adapts the courses according to our level. I did not see the 30 hours of lessons passed. The courses are interesting and engaging. In addition, she is attentive and thorough.

Emma C.

Italian: Advanced Level

The courses are beginning to bear fruit. I am making more and more progress. I thank my teacher for his patience. Grazie!

Céline G.

School Psychologist
Italian : Intermediate Level

The courses are interactive. We ask questions and the teacher answers us by giving explanations. She is a Fantastica teacher. Available, responsive and pedagogue, she managed to put me at ease by valuing my efforts. It is sometimes difficult to speak because because of our fears and the possible mistakes that we can make. Lingueo helps me to progress without judging myself.

Charlotte L.

Video game designer
Italian : Intermediate Level

Within just thirty minutes of class, Elisa answered all my questions. I was able to work on the pronunciation using very simple dialogues. I can't wait to take the next courses with Lingueo.

Brigitte U.

Data analyst
Italian: Advanced Level

The classes are quite intense. In half an hour, we have time to discuss a lot of topics that make me progress well. I am happy to take the courses with Lingueo.

Adila N.


Lingueo dans les médias

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Formation Italian en visioconférence

De 5 à 50h
Rythme sur mesure
Cours particuliers
Note : 5 étoiles sur 5
4,9 - 6 337 votes
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