Formation English en visioconférence

In addition to one-on-one lessons, all of our English packages include unlimited access to 93 skill sheets and 2325 hours of exercises. At the end of the training your skills are certified by LILATE.

Formation English en visioconférence

In addition to one-on-one lessons, all of our English packages include unlimited access to 93 skill sheets and 2325 hours of exercises. At the end of the training your skills are certified by LILATE.


10H de cours particuliers



Validité : 3 mois


20H de cours particuliers

1 100€

1 200€ TTC

Validité : 6 mois


30H de cours particuliers

1 500€

1 800€ TTC

Validité : 12 mois

Private lessons with a teacher teaching his native language
Slots available from Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
LILATE certification training

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Pour payez votre formation avec votre CPF,
Contactez nos conseillers, ou appelez-nous au 01 84 80 43 10

Pourquoi nos formations sont efficaces

Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text to demonstrate the visual form of a typeface.

La visioconférence
simplifie la formation
Le meilleur formateur
pour vos besoins
Des résultats impactants
et gratifiants
Finançable avec le Compte Personnel
de Formation

Les meilleurs professeurs sont sur Lingueo

Très à l'écoute, ses cours sont efficaces et très motivants.
Professeur d’Espagnol
Enseigne depuis 10 ans

Vanessa enseigne depuis 2015 sur Lingueo. Grammaire, vocabulaire, oral, elle attache une grande importance à la maîtrise des fondamentaux d'une langue.

Moyenne prise sur 3000 élèves
Professeur d’Espagnol
Enseigne depuis 10 ans

Vanessa enseigne depuis 2015 sur Lingueo. Grammaire, vocabulaire, oral, elle attache une grande importance à la maîtrise des fondamentaux d'une langue.

Très à l'écoute, ses cours sont efficaces et très motivants.

Moyenne prise sur 3000 élèves
Open and attentive, he is ready to support you until the end of your training.
English teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Stephen, an experienced English teacher and renowned coach since 1996, offers personalized support to make rapid progress. Her rigor and motivation will help you overcome your difficulties. It also prepares for TOEIC and TOEFL exams.

Average out of 180 students
Very attentive, her courses are effective and very motivating.
Professeure d’Anglais
Teaches at Lingueo depuis 2020

Vanessa, an English teacher since 2015, offers interactive and motivating courses. It adapts to the level and needs of each student, helping to develop essential language skills.

Average on 456 students
Enthusiastic and friendly, she is committed to establishing a solid relationship with her students.
English teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Sarah, an experienced English teacher since 1994, creates a student-centered learning environment. Her communicative, creative and motivating approach aims to give students confidence and improve their skills in English.

Average on 416 students
He always pushes his students to achieve their linguistic goals.
English teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Barry, a simple and ambitious man, has been teaching English since 1997. He pushes his students to achieve their goals by understanding cultural differences. It offers a positive approach and constructive criticism.

Average on 366 students
Patient and enthusiastic, he motivates his students to learn English while having fun.
English teacher
Teaches at Lingueo since 2020

Adjetey, a professional speaker since 2011, teaches English with patience and enthusiasm. Her international university experience and her knowledge of languages allow her to offer engaging and respectful teaching.

Average on 396 students

Des professeurs English triés sur le volet

C’est en grande partie la qualité des enseignants qui permet la réussite de l’apprentissage. C’est pourquoi Lingueo veille depuis 2007 à sélectionner les meilleurs professeurs à travers le monde entier.
Seuls 15% des candidats enseignants sont acceptés dans l’équipe professorale de Lingueo, sur des critères essentiels pour un cours motivant et de qualité :

Diplômé·e dans l'enseignement de sa langue
5 ans d'expérience minimum
Un don pour la communication
Une passion et une motivation communicatives
Caley is from the city of London. She teaches English and can't wait to start a new journey with you! It will help you improve your skills in speaking, pronouncing, understanding grammatical norms, actively expanding vocabulary, as well as understanding spoken language.
Vanessa has been teaching her native language (English) since 2015 on Lingueo. Her courses are interactive, informative, motivating, and effective. She adapts her teaching style according to the level and needs of each student. It helps students acquire the necessary listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills and overcome the language barrier.
An American national, Stephen is an open, attentive person, and always ready to support you from the beginning to the end of your training in order to help you progress as quickly as possible. Rigor, responsibility and organization define its values particularly well. In addition, he will have no difficulty training you for aptitude exams such as the TOEIC.

50 000 élèves satisfaits

Formation Anglais des affaires

“Cours très riche et varié, avec une pratique de l’expression, de la compréhension et du vocabulaire. Très agréable à suivre, nous abordons des thèmes vivants comme l’actualité ou le business.”

Portrait de Cécile

Cécile V.

Médecin, formation Anglais des affaires
English : Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals sector

This site is my favorite of the year. At first, I told myself that it was not for me because the webcam scared me a bit but the customer service supported me well, reassured me and treated me really well. We tested my equipment and then I was able to take an English class for free with Zoé, my teacher who has remained so ever since.

Pedro D.

English for Import and Export

Thomas is a great teacher. Available, responsive and pedagogue, he managed to put me at ease by valuing my efforts. It is sometimes difficult to speak because of our fears and the possible mistakes that we can make. My teacher helps me to progress without judging myself. I thank Thomas and Lingueo.

Paul K.

Import and Export English

After taking the training, I feel more confident when it comes to interviews. In addition to seeing what questions recruiters might ask us, we work on my confidence and presentation and my interpersonal skills.

Romain P.

E-Business English

Vanessa allowed me to regain confidence to express myself in English. I followed 30 hours of training in a very short period of time, she managed to adapt the courses to my needs and maintain my concentration. She is always in a good mood, which makes learning easier. Thanks Lingueo!

Sandrine B.

Anglais : Intermediate Level

I really enjoyed this class with Stephen because I got to practice my English by discussing interesting subjects, not to mention that we had a grammar rules review.

Nathalia G.

Booking agent
Anglais des affaires

“Ce sont les meilleurs cours que j'ai eu. Excellent contact avec le professeur Lingueo. J'ai fait énormément de progrès, le tout dans une très bonne ambiance.”

Kevin W.

Maître d'hôtel
English: Beginner Level

Ian is a great teacher, very professional and friendly. He adapts to your expectations and always makes sure to find a course material that matches your tastes, passions or your work, which makes the course even more attractive. As far as I am concerned, Ian allowed me to make good progress in English. I am very happy to have followed this training with Lingueo.

Marc M.

E-Business English

The courses pass very quickly because I think they are very interesting. I already had a good level of English, but I continue to learn new things and I am making progress. I really appreciate having a personalized course according to my needs with this platform.

Maryse A.

E-commerce web developer
Anglais - Cours particuliers 40H

Mon prof, James, adapte mes cours à mon niveau et à ce que j'aime, par exemple la cuisine et la famille. Mon niveau a véritablement progressé depuis que je prends des cours sur cette plateforme. Ça marche vraiment plus qu'avec les autres écoles de langues car ils sont gentils, ils m'écoutent, James est génial et surtout patient, je fais tout depuis mon appartement quand je veux sans que personne ne me juge.

Marine B.

Professeur de lycée
Anglais de la Finance et de la Comptabilité

Un très bon cours, il met de bonne humeur pour la journée ! Le formateur est très pédagogue. Il nous a fait part d'une culture générale très enrichissante franco/anglaise à travers beaucoup d'échanges et de dialogues.

Marie-Noel A.

Ingénieur en logiciel
English : Audiovisual sector

I took a break for a few months and then went back to school with Brian for a one-hour class. Brian is as motivating and dynamic as ever. The exchange was very enriching. Brian is a good listener, helps me a lot in learning English, whatever my request. Customized training that I really appreciate. I highly recommend Lingueo courses.

Katarina P.

Business English

Very rewarding training, a teacher who listens and is very competent. These English courses allowed me to progress but above all to have more confidence in myself when speaking.

Inaya O.

Air hostess
English : Intermediate Level

After taking all the courses, I can say that I appreciated the fact that I was able to communicate directly with an English teacher. I find that the courses are very well organized, and they encourage me to progress. I am going to take other courses with Lingueo.

Frieda D.

English : Advanced Level

Very rich and varied course, with a practice of expression, comprehension and vocabulary. Very pleasant to follow, we deal with lively themes such as current events or business.

Cécile V.


Lingueo dans les médias

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Formation English en visioconférence

De 5 à 50h
Rythme sur mesure
Cours particuliers
Note : 5 étoiles sur 5
4,9 - 6 337 votes
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